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For the third time in history of Mountain Biking, the 24 Hours World Championships for the SOLO category is back in Finale, on the epic race course that is now a legend!
You can write the history of MTB on Friday 27th May and Saturday 28th May 2022
HERE you can find the schedule of the race days
The presentation of the race track will tbe in the coming weeks, while the opening of registrations is scheduled for December 20th!
La World Endurance Mountain Bike Organization (WEMBO) nasce nel 2011 dall’esigenza, da parte degli organizzatori delle competizioni di 24 ore MTB di diversi paesi del mondo, di avere uno standard organizzativo internazionale condiviso, con regolamenti e visioni comuni, al fine di offrire agli atleti un format di gara coerente tra loro.
Trovato tale standard, unendo le esperienze degli organizzatori di tutto il mondo (Australia, Italia, Stati Uniti, Scozia, …) WEMBO ha potuto facilmente proporre agli atleti la possibilità di confrontarsi in un evento annuale che determinasse il titolo di Campione del Mondo della disciplina.
Il Primo Campionato Mondiale è stato organizzato, nel 2012, proprio a Finale Ligure sul famoso tracciato della 24H of Finale.
Da allora, una volta all’anno WEMBO ha assegnato le maglie di campione mondiale SOLO 24H MTB spostandosi costantemente nel mondo:
2012 – Finale Ligure, Italia
2013 – Canberra, Australia
2014 – Fort Wiliam, Scozia
2015 – Weaverville, California, USA
2016 – Rotorua, Nuova Zelanda
2017 – Finale Ligure, Italia
2018 – Fort Wiliam, Scozia
2019 – Costa Rica MS, Brasile
2020 – WEMBO annullato a causa della pandemia di COVID-19
2021 – WEMBO annullato a causa della pandemia di COVID-19
2022 – Finale Ligure, Italia
The World Endurance Mountain Bike Organization (WEMBO) was born in 2011 from the need, on the part of the organizers of 24-hour MTB competitions from different countries of the world, to have a shared international organizational standard, with common regulations and visions, in order to offer athletes with a consistent competition format.
Having found this standard, combining the experiences of organizers from all over the world (Australia, Italy, United States, Scotland, …) WEMBO was able to easily offer to the athletes the opportunity to compete in an annual event that would determine the title of World Champion of the discipline.
The First World Championship was organized, in 2012, right in Finale Ligure on the famous track of the 24H of Finale.
Since then, once a year WEMBO has awarded SOLO 24H MTB World Champion jerseys, constantly moving around the world:
2012 – Finale Ligure, Italy
2013 – Canberra, Australia
2014 – Fort Wiliam, Scotland
2015 – Weaverville, California, USA
2016 – Rotorua, New Zealand
2017 – Finale Ligure, Italy
2018 – Fort Wiliam, Scotland
2019 – Costa Rica MS, Brazil
2020 – WEMBO canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic
2021 – WEMBO canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic
2022 – Finale Ligure, Italy
President of WEMBO is the Australian Russell Baker, present next May in Finale Ligure, who affirms with conviction: “In 2011, 3 dedicated mountain bike organisations got together and with BluBike and NoFuss Events, we started WEMBO. Our first WEMBO World Solo 24 hour Mountain Bike Championship was held at Finale Ligure in 2012 where we all ‘made the history’. Since then WEMBO has held events around the world in Scotland, Australia, Switzerland, USA, Slovakia, New Zealand, Portugal, Italy, and Brasil. Now, after 2 years on hold due to COVID-19, it is time for all the world’s 24 hour riders to ‘re-start the history’ back where it all began at Finale Ligure. With a great course and the event atmosphere you only get in Finale Ligure from the team at BluBike, I can’t wait to welcome everyone back there to begin the next chapter in 24 hour mountain biking.”
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