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Hello dear friends of the 24H of Finale.

Having to communicate the cancellation of the 2020 event has been pretty hard.

For weeks we’ve beed discussing and evaluating what to do, trying to understand wether there would have been the conditions at the end of May or not for making what, for us, stands as one of the most important moments of the year.

We hoped it would have been possible, since this situation is not only mining at the population health bus also taking away time to create groups, go for rides, drink a beer and have a laugh at less that 1m distance.
It is making us more and more far from each other, perfectly against the spirit of the event, which we try our best to fight and during which we create a tribe, a family.

And it is with this spirit that we write to you, like a friend, a brother, to whom we explain how sometimes stepping back is just better for everyone.

As matter of fact, we really hoped to see the rebirth from this situation together on Le Manie plateau. But this was not the case and we felt the need of guaranteeing safety to all of you, us, and everybody that lives in Finale.

Therefore, even if the decision was suffered, it was the most obvious since the most responsible.

Blu Bike ASD, that you know as the organising institution of the craziest 24-hour race in the world, 2 European championships and 2 WEMBO World championships, is actually made by volunteers to nourish a great passion for mountain bike and their territory. They are people like you. They are salesmen, office workers, hotel owners, teachers, freelancers and also sons, brothers, mothers and fathers who gathered, evaluated the conditions and agreed on how the right base must be there for the dream event to happen.

We decided that the subscription fee will be fully refunded .
As you can imagine, many investments are made in order to create the 24-hour machine every year. But, as you do in the family, these expenses must be covered and are not on you.
That one thing that we’ve always thrived to achieve and put our heart on, has been the ability to use the income of the event for all those small realities that help us all year round in managing and protecting landscape and environment in which we live and love as a motorbike destination: Finale.

Cancelling the event doesn’t help and will not be able to fully support as in the past years. This would not let us down and will push us to create other moments made for protecting our precious landscape.

However if you signed up for the 24 hours of Finale because you too love our area, being sure that your payment will be refunded, we strongly suggest you to participate in the fundraiser that helps the 118 of Savona and go through with your support on “Go Fund Me”.

About this, we have already sent a form dedicated to subscribers through “google form” in order to carefully store the data for the donation.

It goes without saying that every single donation will be shared publicly and clearly so that everybody will get how big the 24-hour Finale family is.

For the other riders, everybody can follow the link for the cause here:

Even if we are living hard times in going through quite a hard moment, we are looking ahead.
As soon as riding and spending time on the trails will be possible again, we’ll surely organise a new event.

We miss you already but you know you won’t wait too long before we’ll come up with another great idea.

See you soon!

24H of Finale Staff

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