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How do I register myself?

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It’s really easy! Once you have decided which sort of TEAM you want to be with and where you prefer to

camp, register as Team Manager (here) and follow the instructions. The Team Manager can pre-register one

or more teams and manage their registration.

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What is the minimum age for taking part?

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14 years old

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When does the race office open?

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On arrival at the event, the captain of the squad must go to the race organisers to provide the documents

required to pick up the race packs, race numbers and magnetic chips for the team. The race office will be

open every day of the event, starting on the Thursday.

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Which documents must be shown to the race organisers?

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The team captain MUST have:

− the registration voucher which was sent to the TEAM by email

− a copy of the identity documents for ALL the people in the squad

− an ORIGINAL medical certificate for each rider in the team, or their licence or the original of their

membership card

– the indemnity form signed by ALL team members

− the money for the deposit on the magnetic chip used in the chronometer (25 euros each)

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Who is the Team Manager?

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The Team Manager is the person who does all aspects of registration for a team. In practice, this means

registering through the online site of the 24H of Finale and completing all the forms for the TEAM.

Every team manager can run as many teams as they want, can also be a participant in one of them, and may

undertake the role of captain.

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What’s the difference between a Team Manager and a Team Captain?

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The captain is responsible for the team during the event.

The team manager is simply the person who registers the team on the race website.

The captain represents teammates at the race briefing and at the office where the numbers are given out.

As a team manager (whose connection to the race is to manage the online registrations, not at the race itself)

can work on behalf of more than one TEAM, during the event they would not be able to manage all of the

squads they may have signed up, therefore, the team captain (or the vice-captain if there is a problem) runs

the team during the event.

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I have paid up but my TEAM has not yet been activated. What’s going on?

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Don’t panic! We haven’t run off with your money!

The TEAM activation happens at the point where your bank receives the registration payment and normally

this process takes 3 to 4 working days.

The office staff check the internet bank account every day, so as soon as the payment has been successfully

received, your team will be activated.

N.B. It is very important that your payment states clearly the name of the team and the order number which

you will have received via email. If you don’t include this information we won’t be able to link your payment

to your registration. Please avoid writing lots of information and limit yourself to providing the important

data which we have requested. We find that banks often shorten the information they receive where it is too

long and in doing so may risk deleting the name of the team and the order number.

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I woke up to this a bit late and now I’m on the waiting list. Is there a chance I’ll get into the race?

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The event does have a fixed maximum and you must ensure you have been registered before you are

confronted by the SOLD OUT sign. If you end up on the waiting list, don’t give up hope. It is possible that

some TEAMS which pre-register are unable to race because an athlete is unwell or for other reasons. In

these cases their space will be immediately given to the teams on the waiting list. Obviously, priority will be

given in chronological order of registration.

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There are 6 of us. Should we sign up as an 8 person team?

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− SOLO (1 biker)

− TEAM 2 (2 bikers)

− TEAM 4 (3 or 4 bikers)

− TEAM 8 (5, 6, 7 or 8 bikers)

− TEAM 12 (9, 10, 11 or 12 bikers)

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What does my subscription cover?

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It includes:

− Participation in the 24H of Finale

− Special event T shirt

− Buff Original limited edition, specially designed for the event

− 24H of Finale gadget

− Three hearty meals

− The right to medical assistance on the race course

− Free use of the hot showers and washrooms

− Free use of the bike cleaning area

− Free mechanical help (parts excluded)

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